Time is moving faster and faster with each passing day. It’s now been two months since our first delivery. This has been a very exciting and busy month. Cases and sampler boxes of 4 Purpose Energy have made their way across the country. From New Hampshire to Texas, people really like our carefully crafted raspberry pomegranate organic energy drink! Word about 4 Purpose Energy has now traveled as far as Australia! Thanks Mate!

This month our delicious organic energy drink has hit the shelves in more stores in Massachusetts. The more places who choose to carry 4 Purpose Energy, the more people have the option to reach for a healthier and better tasting energy drink. We are proud to announce that we have so far raised over $500 towards our $35,000 campaign goal to build a school for kids. To date, we have crossed well over the 5,000 mark in the number of cans sold! At this point, hundreds of people have now tried 4 Purpose Energy. We are getting a lot of positive feedback from happy customers and are seeing reorders.